Most answered questions

+1 vote
4 answers
0 votes
4 answers
asked Dec 20, 2017 in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s084821 (300 points)
+3 votes
3 answers
0 votes
3 answers
asked Jun 12, 2023 in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s100302 (315 points)
0 votes
3 answers
0 votes
3 answers
asked Mar 18, 2023 in SoSci Survey (English) by s014829 (150 points)
0 votes
3 answers
asked Jun 27, 2022 in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s195590 (190 points)
0 votes
3 answers
0 votes
3 answers
asked Dec 20, 2021 in Datenauswertung by s152516 (165 points)
0 votes
3 answers
0 votes
3 answers
0 votes
3 answers

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