0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s169050 (155 points)
edited by SoSci Survey

We are running a project, in which we ask participants to rate 192 randomized photos (max. 210 KB each, .jpg) in 3 different questions (the questions are being shown at the same page). In order to do this, we are currently using the random generator and the multi-level structure. We will need in total around 20 participants.
However, when running a pre-test, we have been getting the error:

Fehler in Fragenbogen (Seite 17)
Mit dem Eintrag für pg.stack würden die Zusatz-Daten in diesem Interview die Grenze von 64 KB überschreiten. Der Wert für pg.stack kann daher nicht gespeichert werden. Dies kann zu Fehlern im Fragebogen führen, zum Beispiel zum Abbruch der Befragung.

Currently, we have 3 pages for the Multilevel with the following code:
Page 15:

$codes = array_values(valueList('RD01'));
$i = loopToPage('loopEnd', 192);
$randomID = id('RD', 1, $i+1);

if (value($randomID) > 0) {
replace('%dateiname%', $randomID, 'response');
html('<p><img src="%dateiname%" style="max-width: 80%"></p>');

Page 16:

multiLevelDown('sub', $codes[$i]);
// Festlegen, dass die Zettel nicht automatisch abgelegt werden
// randomUse('RD01', array());

Page 17:


Should we be doing something differently? I can't figure it out why there would be no space left. Thank you for the help!


1 Answer

+1 vote
by SoSci Survey (328k points)

Most likely the loop runs out of space due to an empty page within the loop. The debug information shall tell your more details.

You write that you're using multiLevelDown() and multiLevelResponse() ... why do you use the second one? On first glance it seems you could remove page 17 (this is probably the empty page causing the problem) and give page 16 the ID "loopEnd".

by s169050 (155 points)

Doing as you said solved the problem! :) Thanks a lot! I think we kept that piece of code because it was the only way it used to work previously, and since it continued to work well, we just kept it.

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