0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s108637 (205 points)

In January of 2019 one of your customers posted this problem:

"I have purchased the IAT module on January 26 and set the start date to January 27. However, today (Jan 27) when I went to my project to design the IAT task I saw this message:

The module IAT has not been enabled for the project's responsible (customer ID XXXX).

I then went to the Licence Management page and saw this:

Add-on module IAT/BIAT for SoSci Survey (license no. 664)
License period from 27.01.2019 to 26.04.2019 (88 days remaining)
(Payment not confirmed, yet)"

I am having having a similar issue. I purchased the add-on module yesterday (23/04) for data collection to begin on Monday the 27th. The documentation said that I would be immediately able to design a question, and I assumed that meant I could set the license period for when I would do my data collection as opposed to when I was working on the survey. I sent the money and my bank confirmed the transfer today. In the survey that I am developing, the SC-IAT I wish to add is not enabled in the implicit methods set of questions. I have bought this license in the past for another experiment. While that survey is closed now it is not yet deleted so I can edit it but if I try to edit the IAT question it says :

"The module IAT has not been enabled for the project's responsible (customer ID 12995)."

As with the person who posted this note the status in the shop is as follows:

"Add-on module IAT/BIAT for SoSci Survey (licence no. 1503)
Lizence period from 27.04.2020 to 26.07.2020 (91 days remaining)
(Payment not confirmed, yet1)"

For the other customer your reply was as follows:

"The IAT module should be active as soon as it is purchased in the shop.
We used to have issues with outdated data in the cache. I have therefore cleaned the cache. Could you please test if the module is available by now? If not, I will take a deeper look into the database..."

Could you also do that for me. I was hoping to implement and test the question this week before I begin gathering data next week.

Thank you very much.

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (334k points)

The implicit methods module allows to create the respective questions before the licence period, but it will not show up in the questionnaire outside the licence period.

I have added a few days to your licence, so that is should be active now.

The other question, you refer to, was about payment. They had bought the IAT module starting with the current day. Therefore, the different situation.

by s108637 (205 points)
Thank you very much! The SC-IAT does appear as a question now that I can select and create.
asked Sep 3, 2021 in SoSci Survey (English) by s135301 (130 points) License renewal

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