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in SoSci Survey (English) by s106223 (145 points)
edited by s106223


I need my participants to rate series of images on three different dimensions. However, as I need to record both their ratings AND their reaction times, I guess I need to use selection sequence as question type?



filler question (for RT measurement)
How painful is the stimulus? 1-9
How bad does it make you feel? 1-9
How good does it make you feel?1-9

Is there any way to go around this without making 60 selection sequence items?

Another thing: I tried to put an external link as the image source and it did not work - the image is not shown. If I understood the instructions correctly, this is possible, right?


1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (328k points)

Is there any way to go around this without making 60 selection sequence items?

You should not ask your respondents for 60 items. Really, that inhuman.

However, to answer your question: You may be interested in a multi level structure. Sorry, the manual is not yet available in English, but the Google Translation should get a rough idea. This would also give you one data row per item (not one row with 180 ratings), which is probably more sensile for the analyses.

Should you want everything in one row, you should create one selection sequence and than copy this one 59 times.

by s106223 (145 points)
Well, I'm not human, I'm a phd student of psychology (that should explain things a lot).
Thank you for your reply.
by SoSci Survey (328k points)
Oh, I understand :)

Please let me know, should you have issues with the soltion you have chosen.

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