0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s106904 (110 points)

i created a 6-Likert scale, standard (right). in the question preview, the scale is shown in standard (right) setting. But when it comes to previewing the questionnaire, the scale is shown as a drop down scale. This is the case for all my Likert-Scale questions. How can i make sure, the scale is shown as standard (right)?

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (328k points)

You have probablye set the questionnaire to start in the screenreader mode.

Assemble Questionnaire -> Settings

In screenreader mode, visualization is reduced to a minimum, so that screenreaders can better read the page. This option if for surveys with visually impaired respondents. Please note that a screenreader user can always switch to this mode (if you did not explicitly disable the mode), usually it is not necessary to start the questionnaire in this mode.

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