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in SoSci Survey (English) by s104530 (150 points)


My research team and I are in the process of migrating a survey from Qualtrics to soscisurvey. If there a way for us to transfer all the survey items from Qualtrics to soscisurvey, without having to manually enter each individual survey item in soscisurvey? We are able to export the survey from Qualtric into a Word document, then save it as an .XML document. However, does the format have to be a certain way to import this XML document into sosicsurvey?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Ian McPhail

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (334k points)

XML just says how to store structured data, but not what data to save. The word XML (DOCX) describes a document, the SoSci Survey XML describes a survey projects. I am afraid, there will not be any option to directly import a word document as survey.

So, you will finally have to migrate manually, but you can save a lot of time, doing it like this:

  • Put the browser window with SoSci Survey in one half of your screen, and the Word document on the other half (split screen).
  • You will have to copy each question's text, but usually you can copy all items of a question at once. SoSci Survey has a large input area in each question to import multiple items (one per line) in one step.

Actually, I do not know if qualtrics supports other export formats. If it does, you may send us a sample to info@soscisurvey.de - we will surely not be able to create an import option within days, but on the long term, that may be a useful feature.

Most users switching to SoSci Survey come from a rather "simple" software like Survey Monkey, Questback or Lime Survey when they need more features or better control of their survey. Regarding features, Qualtrics is much more comparable to SoSci Survey. In your case, it may actually occur that you miss a feature or something that makes life easier. In that case, please do not hestitate to tell us. Eithere here in the online support, via the feedback option in SoSci Survey or via email to info@soscisurvey.de. Thank you.

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