Had to use answer because I was not able to insert images using comment.
(1) What is QN01? What questions shall be shown for the second, third, etc. item of the deck?
QN01 is the common question for the all the texts of Deck1. As you can see above the Question 1 remains the same but only the Vignette Text are varying. I have given below exactly how I would liek to have.
Questionnaire 1:
(Vignette Text 1 from EmployeeInfoDeck1) A 20 year old man is a fresher and takes lots of break during work hours
(Question 1) Is the behavior of your co-worker as expected, or is it in your opinion
acceptable or not acceptable?
(Answer Scale1) Acceptable---In Between---Not Acceptable
(Vignette Text 1 from CompanyInfoDeck1) The company is accepting freshers without having a Degree
(Question 2) Is the company policy Good or Bad ?
(Answer Scale2) Good---In Between---Bad
Questionnaire 2:
(Vignette Text 2 from EmployeeInfoDeck1) A 40 year old woman is experienced and takes no breaks during work hours
(Question 1) Is the behavior of your co-worker as expected, or is it in your opinion
acceptable or not acceptable?
(Answer Scale1) Acceptable---In Between---Not Acceptable
(Vignette Text 2 from CompanyInfoDeck1) The company is not accepting experienced candidates without a degree and 5 years of working experience
(Question 2) Is the company policy Good or Bad ?
(Answer Scale2) Good---In Between---Bad
(2) Which texts belong to which deck? It seems you didn't use the prefixes as I suggested
Ok i followed the exact naming convention you used in the example. I have attached the entire process below.
- I created question :

- Imported decks (Deck 1 and Deck 2)

- Created Random Generator RG01:

- Created Questionnaire:

- when i previewed I got below errors:

Thank you.