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ago in SoSci Survey (English) by s312484 (110 points)

Hi there. I am designing a simple pre- and posttest study. The participants will answer some questions and after a month or so, they will answer the same questions (or another modified questions). It means that I will have 2 questionnairs. Participants A-Z will answer the first questionnair and the answers will be sent to us annanymously. In the second round, participants A-Z will send the replies. The problem is that as the replies are annonymous, I will not be able to compare the first with second replies/questionnairs from participant A to evaluate the changes that has happened in replying to the questions. Is there a way to solve this problem? Thank you very much in advance.

1 Answer

0 votes
ago by SoSci Survey (337k points)

There are at least two different options.

Option 1: Request of a Personal Code in both questionnaires.

Option 2: Multi-Wave Surveys with Self-Recruited Respondents

ago by s312484 (110 points)
Unfortunately, I could not find any option in the variables or questionnair section to add a "Personal code" option. Should I add it as a variable? If yes, please guide me to which kind of a variable exactly. Or should I add it at the final step of creating the questionnair?
ago by SoSci Survey (337k points)
In  my answer abover, there are two links into the manual (directly after the "Option:"). The manual hen explain step by step how to implement either option. Let me know, should you get stuck anywhere on the way.

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