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in SoSci Survey (English) by s289480 (110 points)


I conducted the survey and had reached 129 participants by last week. However, when I checked the results now, I only see 55 responses available. I haven’t deleted any data, so I’m not sure how this could have happened. also the expired time is set by November 2024.

Could you please assist me in recovering or regathering the missing responses? I'm so stressed and confused.

Thank you for your help!

Best regards

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (334k points)

Please follow these steps to check where the difference in the numbers comes from: Problem Solutions for Data Retrieval

had reached 129 participants by last week

If you cannot clarify the issue, please explain what this number is based on.

by SoSci Survey (334k points)
Most likely, I will be able to restore the deleted data into the existing project. However, reintegration of data from backups is tricky. Make sure to download all data, so that nothing of the newer data is lost, should something go wrong. The questionnaire and its URL will be available after restoring the data.

In case that reintegration in the existing project should not work, you would have to merge the two downloaded datasets. I do not think that it will be possible, but ... better save than sorry.
by s289480 (110 points)
I downloaded 51 responses but please keep them in my profile and avoid to remove them because as I mentioned I need both groups of data (missing data + existing data) in a single file.

Kindly be informed that a formal request for restoring data has been sent to your email address. Thank you very much again.
by s289480 (110 points)
Good morning! could you please update me regarding the time when I can have the restored data? Thanks.
by SoSci Survey (334k points)
I have started yesterday, but it will typically take 2-3 days to have everything back in place. As I said, it's a bit complicated.
by s289480 (110 points)
Thank you so much then I will wait for your next update.
have a nice day. :)

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