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in SoSci Survey (English) by s287370 (135 points)

Hello everyone,

I´m currently designing a Misinformation Study. As I'll be manipulate truthfulness of information, I want to implement an exit button that doesn´t immediately end the study but leads participants to the debriefing first.
I used buttonToPage() to create a "custom exit-button" and inserted the %btnExit% placeholder into the layout.
Since the debriefing depends on the experimental group of the participant and since the randomisation is currently on page 3 (and I also don't want the custom exit button showing on the 'end' page anymore) I want to remove the button on some pages but show it on most pages of the survey.
I can't seem to find a hide option for custom buttons - only the next/back.

Does anyone know how I could make that change? Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (323k points)
selected by s287370
Best answer

I want to remove the button on some pages but show it on most pages of the survey.

Try to replace the placeholder by the empty string on pages 1 and 2.

replace('%btnExit%', '');

Then, on page 3, use buttonToPage().

You may wonder why to place the first code on page 2 as well? This would be necessary, if (a) you started testing as of page 2 or (b) you allow for a back button, and people could go back from page 3 to page 2.

by s287370 (135 points)
Thanks so much! That worked perfectly!

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