+1 vote
in SoSci Survey (English) by s139686 (140 points)

The "Separately collected email addresses" is not working properly for me - I have used it on numerous occasions without any issues, but I just finished the data collection and I see that the email addresses were not saved (I signed the DPA as usual, used the separately collected email addresses question and added it to the questionnaire).

by s139686 (140 points)
Just a note that this is happening on two of my projects now.

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (333k points)

Thanks for this important note.

We found an error that has occured since version 3.6.00 when the contact data question offered no checkboxes.

Thanks to your note, this issue has been solved in version 3.6.03. The servers www.soscisurvey.de and s2survey.net were already updated.

by s139686 (140 points)
edited by s139686
Great, thank you. Is there a way to retrieve the email addresses that were supposed to be saved then, or no?
by SoSci Survey (333k points)
No, in the meantime, the question assumed that you had an option "yes, I want to join the lottery" and that it was not checked. So, no contact data was expected and thereore none stored. I am sorry.

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