0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s295212 (110 points)
closed by SoSci Survey

I have tried "align=<|center|justify>" like mentioned in the text() post. I thought maybe I was typing it in wrong and I have tried "text(align=<|center|justify>)" and many other variations as well. I just need the text to be centered within the box with the 2 options. I don't have a background in computer coding so I apologize if this is a silly questions but any feedback or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

closed with the note: A possible solution was found, see comments
by SoSci Survey (337k points)
The options that you desribe refer to the `text()` function which will show a text from the list of questions. This is not applicable for contents of a selection sequence.

What exactly so you want ot center? Feel free to create and post a pretest URL directly (!) to the page in question.
by s295212 (110 points)

I just need to center the " 2% chance to win 98" and "98% chance to win 57" within boxes if that is possible
by s295212 (110 points)
I actually figured it out! "<center>TEXT</center>". A lot more simple than I thought, so sorry!

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