0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s285189 (130 points)

Is there a possibility to limit an answer?

The idea is that the given answer to question AA05 can't be higher than the answer given earlier in question AA01.

I am not able to figure out how to write a code for that.

by s109993 (11.6k points)
Yes, but that depends a lot on the question type. If you write me what type of questions AA05 and AA01 are, I can write you the code if necessary.
by s285189 (130 points)
That would be great actually.

Question AA01 answers how many nights were spent in Germany and question AA05 asks for the nights people spend in different accomodations.

I thought it might be possible to write a code, so that the number of nights spend cant be bigger than the number of nights spend in Germany!
by s109993 (11.6k points)
someone was fast than me, but thee is your answer^^
by s285189 (130 points)
Oh i just saw that. Still, thank you very much!

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (322k points)

A PHP filter for two open-ended inputs would look like this:

if ((value('AB01_01') > value('AB02_01')) {
  repeatPage('AB03');  // Error message to display
by s285189 (130 points)
Thank you so much! that really helps! highly appreciated

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