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in FAQs by s211817 (110 points)

When I run each page separately to see how it looks like, the contents are not shown on some pages and they are empty, even creating the page again didn't help. Could you please tell me how to fix it?

by s000002 (325k points)
If you placed a question or other content on the respective page, what content is that? If it is a question, does the preview of the question display a note that you need to create items for the question?
by s211817 (110 points)
It's text. There are several of such pages but only some are not shown although all were created the same way. Even I bolded some words in some previously working pages and when I debugged it again, it also didn't show the content anymore, even changing back to the previous status didn't help. I share the link of one page that doesn't show the content.

by s000002 (325k points)
According to your description I guess that is a error in the HTML code of one of the text element that may affect the display of further elements on the page. A non-closed string, like <a href="https:/...> (note the missing quotation mark) is a likely candidate for that.

However, please post a valid (see below) pretest URL so tat we can confirm this hypothesis, or find another reason. It's helpful if you enabled the debugging feature for the pretest link.

1 Answer

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by s109993 (11.8k points)

Did you place the questions on each page?

There is a step by step guide. Have a look there if you followed each of those steps correctly.

by s211817 (110 points)
I did everything right. Created all pages the same way but only some are not shown.

by s000002 (325k points)
Please follow this manual in order to create a valid prestest URL:
by s211817 (110 points)
Thank you very much. I created a pretest link and it shows the contents. But strangely it doesn't show the contents when I debug each page separately on their own. So, I hope it works for the study.


But, today I've faced a new problem: I need to make some space between paragraphs and when I go to Edit question, there is nothing in the Inhalt to edit, it's empty but it shows the content in the pretest. I have Formatierter Text there but it's empty. and changing it also don't show the contents to edit.
by s000002 (325k points)
>  I created a pretest link and it shows the contents. But strangely it doesn't show the contents when I debug each page separately on their own.

Okay. What does the debug information on the upper right tell, if you started a single page?

Do the pages contain anything except for the questions?

> when I go to Edit question, there is nothing in the Inhalt to edit

Does this issue occur in another browser, as well? Do you use multiple languages in your survey project? Did you create the text as "text element" or within the list of questions as "text"? What happend if you created a new text and added contents there?
by s211817 (110 points)
> For a certain page, on the upper right, in debug information it shows

[Information]    Interview started (new case no. 3297)
[Information]    Questionnaire qnr3_p1 from project surfeniminternet will be used
[Processing]    Create page 3 in questionnaire qnr3_p1
[Content]    Create question IT28
[Information]    value("AA01sJS") = ""

And below it, it shows "Kennung" and "Notiz".

> Yes, I tried another browser and it's the same. It happened since yesterday. 2 days ago it worked and I didn't make any change until yesterday when tried to make some changes, it didn't work and still not.
The survey is English, but I also checked our previous survey in German it is the same, the content in "Edit question" are not shown. It is formatted text, simple paragraphs like guidelines.
But now I've added text to the same page. it not only shows in Edit question after saving but also when debugging. So I have to add all the texts on all pages again.
It seems everything was erased on their own!
by s000002 (325k points)
> IT28

This is a "Text" that you have created in the list of questions, and it show content on the page, but not when you're editing the text. Please corerct me, if I misunderstood.

> It seems everything was erased on their own!

I read that as: The texts do neither appear when editing the text, nor when viewing the questionnaire?

SoSci Survey will not delete (or modify) contents on its own. Switching translations (not the base language) in survey projects can be an issue, and also importing projects from XML files, but I assume you would have noticed doing such a modification actively.

Before you start and re-create every text, I would like to scrutinize that in detail. I definitely want to know what goes wrong, and why, if anything goes wrong.
by s211817 (110 points)
> The text was neither shown in Debug nor in the Edit.

But I found out what the problem was. I copied every thing from our previous German survey and created the new English survey and guess it was the problem. I copied and pasted everything again from English to English and now everything works well as usual. Luckily, no problem for now!

> Actually they were there when using pretest link but not on the Edit question and I couldn't make changes to the texts.

Yes, true, it didn't appear at all. But after copy pasting again it appears.

Now, I guess the problem was copying from German survey and pasting to English one or switching the language from German to English as you mentioned. For weeks I was struggling with that. But now am happy it is fixed. Hope it works perfect to the end!

Thank you very much for your support and patience!
by s000002 (325k points)
> I copied every thing from our previous German survey and created the new English survey and guess it was the problem

Before importing, make sure you have the proper language active in the project - or no language at all. SoSci Survey will import to the base language, if the language from the import file is not available in the new project.

Good to hear, you're fine now :)

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