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in SoSci Survey (English) by s273770 (135 points)
closed by SoSci Survey


I'm conducting an experiment in which I have a scale with 2 columns and 7 rows. Each corresponds to a number from 0 to 18 every 3. C1 is "yes" C2 is "no". When the participant switches from yes to no, I'd like to refine the lines between the lower and upper bounds. For example, if the participant indicates yes up to 12, and then ticks no from 12 onwards, I'd like a new scale to be displayed from 9 to 12.

Do you know how I can do this?


closed with the note: There was no reaction to our comment, we assume the issue to be solved.
by SoSci Survey (334k points)
You want to display a scale in between two items, and this shall be possible for each item, so up to 7 scales shall be displayed, is that correct? If so, give this manual a look, please: https://www.soscisurvey.de/help/doku.php/en:create:dynamic

You may need to insert the items of your main scale individually, using question() with a specific item, each time, for example:

question('AB01', [1], 'spacing=0');
question('DD01', [1], 'spacing=0', 'show-title=no');
question('AB01', [2], 'spacing=0', 'show-title=no');
question('DD01', [2], 'spacing=0', 'show-title=no');
// etc.

You may also want to create a combines question, using show(), to display the additional scale inputs right of the yes/no questions.

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