0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s210980 (135 points)
edited by SoSci Survey

Dear Community,

I have a 3x2 design for my project, meaning I will have 6 different groups of respondents in the end.
My goal is to have a unique URL link to my survey, which randomly assigns a respondent to one of the 6 groups.

But there is a barrier:
not all 6 groups will face the same exact scenario, the same questionnaire layout or the same number of questions. It goes by pairs: groups 1 and 2 have a slightly different scenario but same questions. Groups 3 and 4 have another type of scenario, with additional questions. Groups 5 and 6 also have another type of scenario and more questions than the two other pairs of groups.

Therefore my question is: how to proceed when creating my questionnaires. Do I create 6 questionnaires ? Or do I create 3 questionnaires (one per pair) in which I can just randomize the scenario?

How to set up the randomization?

Hope anyone will see this and give me some advice!
Thanks a lot.

Fribourg (Switzerland)

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (334k points)

I would still recommend to use a single questionnaire, and a few PHP filters to take care of the differences, for example

Groups 3 and 4 have another type of scenario, with additional questions

You can just skip the additional questions for groups 1, 2, 5, and 6, using goToPage().

Take a look into the PHP filter manual to get an idea how to show the proper content. Then resume with the PHP version of randomization. And when you encounter challenges, feel free to ask for more details, in the online support.

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