If the video is embeded via HTML 5, it's possible - but you will have to do some JavaScript programming.
First, please read the chapter about internal variables, which you will need to store any data into.
Then, you will need a bit reading about JavaScript events. Let's assume, your video has the HTML ID "myVideo" and there's a button with the ID "myButton1", then the following HTML/JavaScript code would stop the video when the button is pressed:
<script type="text/javascript">
var button1 = document.getElementById("myButton1");
var video = document.getElementById("myVideo");
SoSciTools.attachEvent(button1, "click", function(evt) {
// ->
Next step then would be to store the click (and the current timestamp of the video, I assume) into an internal variable. Before you do so, please clarify the format that you would like to have in the data set. This could be something like: buttonID, timestamp, buttonID, timestamp, buttonID, timestamp, buttonID, timestamp, ... - Yet, you should have an idea how to handle such comma-separated data in the analysis.