0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s079578 (185 points)
edited by SoSci Survey

I have an open text field question with just one input option and no label. The field is called "OD20_01".
On the next site I want the input of "OD20_01" to be shown as simple text. The new "question" has the ID "OD32" and is single choise but could be whatever as long as it would show up and work. The placeholder is called

This is my php code:

$items = value('OD20_01');
replace('%text%','OD32_01', response);

Anybody got an idea?

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (335k points)

Please change

replace('%text%','OD32_01', response);


replace('%text%','OD20_01', response);

because it is the answer to OD20_01 that you want to use in the placeholder. As an option, you can also use the $items variable:

$items = value('OD20_01');
replace('%text%', $items);

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