0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s276668 (140 points)

Even though I am logged in as project administrator and I only click the green little arrow to preview a certain page or survey, I get this error message. Before, this had never happened even when I tried out the project dozens of times.
Why might that be?

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (321k points)

Have your tried to log out, and then log in?

If that does not help, please try in another browser. If the problem does not occur there, clear all Cookies from SoSci Survey. From time to time your browser may store an invalid Cookie, causing login issues.

If even that doe snot help, please kindly post the exact wording of the error message. I do not remember that there was a "temporarily denied" error message in SoSci Survey.

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