0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s252372 (185 points)

Dear all,

I am writing because the confirmation email that is sent through the Opt-in question ends up in the spam folder of the recipients that are supposed to receive it in my survey.
I asked my University if it is possible to unspam these emails (the recipients are indeed students of the university).
They say they would need the SPF record of s2survey.net because they would need to include it in their infra to be able to unspam the emails.

Is it possible to get this information?

Thank you very much for your consideration.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by SoSci Survey (325k points)

Everyone can see the SPF information for any domain, by using a DNS request: https://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=spf:s2survey.net&run=toolpage

One can also include SPF records from other domains in their own SPF configuration.

However, adding s2survey.net to the SPF record of your university would allow any s2survey.net user to send emails, using your university's domain name. I am not wure, if that is the perfect solution. Maybe, you rather want to send the emails through you university's mailserver, adding its SMTP data to the project settings -> specials.

For more background information, please read: Mailings and SPF Entries

by s252372 (185 points)
Thank you so much for your suggestion!

I discussed it with the IT of my univeristy, but in the end they decided to add a "Spoof intra-org" exception that could only work when the emails are sent from "s2survey.net" from my email address.  My understanding is that adding the SMTP data to the project was not possible because there is a Multi-Factor Authentication in place.

They also asked me if I could provide the DKIM record to complete the setup correctly.

Thank you very much for your help
by SoSci Survey (325k points)
If you send us a DKIM key (ASCII armored) and the email domain that it refers to, we can integrate that into our system, yes.

Please send the information on https://s2survey.net/transfer/ to ensure encrypted communication.
by s252372 (185 points)
Sorry I mistyped

They also asked me if you could provide the DKIM record to complete the setup correctly. Not I...
by SoSci Survey (325k points)
Technically you were right. If our server shall send emails from your domain, we will either need a DKIM key from you, or you will have to add out DKIM signature to your DNS records.

If your university likes to allow our DKIM key, please use this entry:

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