0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s139974 (185 points)
closed by SoSci Survey

Hi everybody, Happy New Year!

I'm trying to create a filter that leads to a different set of pages depending on whether participants answered an open question. This is what I'm using:

if (strlen(trim(value('WE01'))) > 3) {
setPageOrder('DH4a', 'S2', 'DH5', 'S3', 'DH6', 'DH7', 'S4');
} else {
setPageOrder('DH4b', 'S2', 'DH5', 'S3', 'DH6', 'DH7', 'S4');

However, it doesn't work. It always continues with DH4b - even if I am providing an answer to the following question (in German):

closed with the note: Problem solved :)
by SoSci Survey (334k points)
Please make sure tu use the proper variable names. What does the "Variablen-Übersicht" say about WE01? What does the debug information say?
by s139974 (185 points)
Thank you so much! Looking at the "Variablen-Übersicht" was key. This way I figured out that I need to specify the specific entry fields, e.g. WE01x01 (for the first entry field). Thanks again!

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