0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s262010 (145 points)
edited by s262010

I am trying to change the size of my scales in the "Slider" tab; unfortunately, it does not seem to work. Or perhaps I am not doing it right? I would appreciate your help.

I would like to use the slider or two-sided slider of 400 or 500 pixels.

I go to change the width under "Width of scale" because otherwise the scales are really small (max. 200 pixels). The problem is that whichever option I choose in "Graphic for scale", e.g. Default scale (200 pixels), Simple line, Radio button, etc., the scale is being doubled in size with a space in between instead of getting wider and this graphic depiction might be misleading to a participant.

Is there any way to fix that?

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (334k points)
selected by s262010
Best answer

I would like to use the slider or two-sided slider of 400 or 500 pixels.

It is important that sliders in SoSci Survey are (not yet) freely scalable. If the available slider images (there are many large ones as well) are insufficient, either download the scale image or create a new one from scratch. Then upload the new image to your project folder, select it in the slider question, and enter the proper position for the minimum and maximum.

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