0 votes
in FAQs by s270750 (120 points)
edited by s000002


the begin of our pretest isnt work...
What can we do if we can continue the test?

Thank for your answer:)

1 Answer

0 votes
by s000002 (325k points)

Possibly you have used invalid HTML code in F001 which impairs the correct functioning of the first page. If you like, you can post the pretest URL, so we can take a look.

by s000002 (325k points)
Thanks for the pretest URL (but please do not send such information via email but here, these emails may not be answered). How did you place the checkbox into your text? It seems that you did not simply put the checkbox question below F001?
asked Dec 12, 2023 in FAQs by s270750 (120 points) Problem with the Pretest

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