0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s264826 (110 points)

Good evening,

I am planning to run an experiment including the lab.js question type next week. It all works fine in the pretest.
However, in the question (when I click on it in the question catalogue), I get a warning asking me to contact the server administrator before using this function in a study. As stated, everything seems to be working, but I wonder what this message is about and whether it could affect my study.

Thank you for your support!

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (305k points)

We introduced the lab.js question only a few months ago. And it's not unlikely that users will find bugs, so we'll have to edit the question.

At the moment, there are no known and unfixed bugs in that question type. However, watch out for anything that does not work as expected, and also make sure to check the collected data.

You can also send us an information about your survey administration period via email. Should we have to change the question in that time, we shall let you know. However, I do not expect major changes at the moment.

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