0 votes
in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s247183 (130 points)

I am almost done designing my questionnaire and I'm satisfied with the layout on desktop, however the survey does not work on mobile.
None of the text shows up (both in questions, answers, titles and text-only sections). The question boxes and response options are there, but without any text.
Text to speech and all of the images and logos work as intended.

All questions are set to dynamic presentation and I'm using the "standard '23" layout.

How can I fix this?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by SoSci Survey (331k points)
selected by s247183
Best answer

Can you please remove the Hyperlegible font in the layout and report, if that solves the issue. Open the layout for editing, then change the two font entries from

"Atkinson Hyperlegible", Verdana, Arial,sans-serif


Verdana, Arial,sans-serif

And again, please report back if that solved the issue. Thank you.

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