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in SoSci Survey (English) by s260516 (110 points)


We are planning to distribute a questionnaire where no pseudonyms or authorization codes are foreseen. However, we'd like to offer participants the possibility to get a link they can use to remove the data they provided if the want to do so after they have completed the questionnaire. I've seen these two options:
Show button to interrupt the interview and come back later
Show button to cancel the interview and delete the record

But what we would like is something like:
Show button to send link to the interview to allow for the deletion of one's own data in the future

Is that possible? And if so, can it be done for a limited period of time (for instance, during the collection period only)

We'd appreciate any help!

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (306k points)

The point is, you nedd to identify the interview case. The easiest way to do that would be to show the CASE number:

html('<p>Please note this number: %caseNumber%</p>');

You can use a "email to personal contact" question as well to send an email that contains the CASE number.

However, there is one pitfall: What do you do, if someone asks you to delete the CASEs 1 to 10.000, because the person claims that these are all from them? If you would like to avoid such a scenario, you could show a random string to identify the interview. Or send that via email.

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