Using numbers are no "labels" for SoSci Survey.
You can always ass numbers as an anchor, even when using a scale that has only lables on the extreme categories.
However, the display still shows from 0 to 10 which is more than 9 scale points.
Yes, and if you're happy with that setting, it will work fine. The point is that we did not test fully labelled scales with >9 points as thoroughly as smaller scales. And we do not want you to complain, if the display on some device is not as beautify as one might wish for ;)
I think if I use the "extrema labeled" type of question, I cannot have the number above each circle as I want below.
Sure. Just select the "numeric anchor" tab to enable the numbers.
Also, if you have only one item per scale and no item text beside the inputs, a horizontal selection may serve you better than the "scale" types.
Please also note that the scales behave very differently on mobile devices. The fully labelled scale, and the horizontal selection switch to larger buttons (easier to hit with a finger), while the extremes-only-scale will still show the radio buttons. Depending on scale size and your question one may be better than the other. Give it a try, please!