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in SoSci Survey (English) by s256641 (110 points)
closed by SoSci Survey

i would like to appear the progress bar with percentages in my survey (to know the task's remaining time).
How can i do it?
Thank you in advance

closed with the note: We were unable to understand the problem ... more information would be required.
by SoSci Survey (324k points)
edited by SoSci Survey
Well, by default a progress bar ist displayed that shows the percentage of pages already handled. So, if you're on page 4 of 10 it show 40%.

Some layouts hide the progress bar on mobile devices, so no space is lost.

Would you mind rephrasing your question and make more clear what is shown and what you're missing? Thank you.
by SoSci Survey (324k points)
> I would like the progress bar to appear in every page of the questionnaire, so as to the participant to know how much of it he has already completed.

The progress bar is displayed by default. May I ask what layout you're using (https://www.soscisurvey.de/help/doku.php/de:create:layout).

> I can't find how to add it in my questionnaire.

The setting (which is enabled by default) is found in "Compose Questionnaire" -> "Settings" -> "Display progress bar"

Also, what device are you using to view the questionnaire? The progress bar is disabled on mobile devices by most layout to save a bit if space.

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