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in SoSci Survey (English) by s240201 (110 points)


So when I try to translate my questionnaire in the translation Assistant and then click save, the site either does not save my translations and the translations disappear, or an error message occurs ("Can't currently handle this request", HTTP Error 500). Why does this happen and is there a fix?

Thanks in advance!

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (327k points)

Which button did you click, please?

What is your base language and what language are you translating to?

On www.soscisurvey.de, when trying the button to automatically translate via Google, I get the message "Error from Google Translate: User Rate Limit Exceeded" (may be that a lot of users have used that feature today, and our finances are limited), but I cannot replicate the 500-error.

by s240201 (110 points)
After translating I click the save button, it's the save button with an arrow, down on the page. The site still keeps giving me the same error message when I hit the save button. My base language is Swedish and I am translating into English. I have not used the automatic translation via Google. I have either typed the translation directly into the translation assistant table or copypasted the translation to the assistant table.
by SoSci Survey (327k points)
Just to be sure: Are you working on www.soscisurvey.de or do you use a local university server?
by s240201 (110 points)
I'm working on www.soscisurvey.de so no local university server.
by s240201 (110 points)
I also just checked if I am able to translate by import translation. I am able to upload the translated file, but when I click continue I have the same error 500 message again.
by SoSci Survey (327k points)
Interesting. Does the error also occur if you do not enter any (new) translations? If not, please give me a translation that triggers the error.

> when I click continue I have the same error 500 message again.

Do you mean the "continue" from the online-translation tables (which we were talking about before) or some continue button during the CSV import?

Would it be okay if I created an administrator login for your project, so I could test the (mis-)behavior in the context of your project?
by s240201 (110 points)
When I don't enter any new translations and only hit save the error does not occur. An example of a translation that triggers the error would be "Mitt modersmål" = "My native language"

And I meant when i press "continue" during the CSV import. I wanted to try translating this way also, if that would help, but unfortunately I get the same error message also while trying to translate via import translation.

And yes, that would be greatly appreciated if you could create an administrator login! I don't think this will be solved otherwise.
by s181946 (110 points)
I have a similar problem. When I want to translate it doesn't save anymore it just turns white. without translation it works fine. Translating German  to English, on the webpage also no option works. base language is German.
by SoSci Survey (327k points)
Okay, I have good and bad news. The function does not crash any more, but it does not save the translations, either. We keep on working on the issue.
by SoSci Survey (327k points)
Alright, the issue with the translation tables has been solved, the update is installed on www.soscisurvey.de - we will also check the CSV import next.
by s259945 (110 points)
Wow! That worked! Thank you so much! You helped me a lot for my thesis! Thank you for fixing this problem, I didn't hope that this would work this good!! Much appreciation!
by s240201 (110 points)
The translation table works now for me as well! Many thanks to you for fixing the issue!

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