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in SoSci Survey (English) by s257805 (130 points)
closed by s000002

When my participants finish their survey it says '502 Bad Gateway
I dont know whast going on and what should i do? Can you help me please? Maybe that`s way lots of my data is missing.

closed with the note: We have forwarded the issue to the instance who's responsible for the respective survey server. You received the email CC.
by s257805 (130 points)
Also, I am not allowed to change my questtionnaire it says 502 Bad Gateway
nginx/1.18.0" again.. what should I do?
by s000002 (325k points)
On which server are you working, please? I assume it is not www.soscisurvey.de or s2survey.net, because the nginx version seems not to match these servers.
by s257805 (130 points)
This is the link which is my school send it to me. I am using this one. Can you please check it? I still can not edit or delete anything on my survey.

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