0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s251727 (110 points)

I used your software to develop a survey and intended to run it for a month. Unfortunately, I mistakenly specified the end date as June 1st instead of July 1st, and now I'm unable to make any modifications. Whenever I attempt to adjust the survey duration, it only extends by one day. I have already shared the survey URL with others. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions you can provide to resolve this issue.

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (304k points)

now I'm unable to make any modifications

You should be able. What does SoSci Survey say, if you enter a new date and click on the save button?

it only extends by one day

Could it be that there is miscommunication regarding the order of day and month?

Try the international format "2023-07-01" please.

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