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in SoSci Survey (English) by s219074 (140 points)
closed by SoSci Survey

Dear Forum,

header says it all.

For the first 10 sites, I embedded 1 of 10 videos on each of them. Then i multiplied all 4 questions x10 and put the same 4 on all pages, respectively. By using div, i managed to get them turning up directly under each video.

While this works fine, I thought by myself there must be an easier way for the remaining 90 videos.

I read "MultiLevelStructure" several times and the &%!? example with the open question confused me completely. I tried around with the codes in the questionnaire, but didn't get it.
I think i need a PHP pro.

I don't need any check, because all items must be filled out. Only each datas. Randomization/ Rotation of the sites would be needed, but i didn't get this explanation either.

If there's someone out there who would be so kind of telling me the coding i need, with inserted titles i can understand like, e.g. multiLevelResponse('PAGEWITHVIDEO_01'), you would literally save my life!

Tell me, if multiplying the question x400 und inserting them one by one is still the best/only way.

Hope this was comprehensible. Thanks a lot in advance folks!

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