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in SoSci Survey (English) by s137586 (150 points)
closed by SoSci Survey


I would like to rotate question blocks (1 block always consists of two pages) on a single page.
I have tried the following code:

if (!isset($blocks)) {
  // Liste mit Frage-Kennungen und zugehörigen Bildern
  $blocks = [
    ['EG07', 'EG13'],
    ['EG08', 'EG14'],
    ['EG09', 'EG15']
  // Die Liste mischen
  // Die Listen auf allen Seiten verfügbar machen

  foreach ($blocks as $kennung) {

Rotating the blocks works, but I don't know how to display the questions.
With the foreach I tried to loop through the blocks, but of each block only the first question is presented... but never the second one

Any ideas?


by SoSci Survey (326k points)
It's the same person here, responding in English and German ;)

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