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in FAQs by s240111 (130 points)
recategorized by s240111

Thanks a lot for your reply.
That's what I thought, but at the moment three out of four people say they have replied and I don't have their data. It is impossible for me to compare what they did exactly with the person whose answers I have, (knowing that there may even be variations between these three cases) and the questionnaire being online.
Is it possible that she didn't record her answers, in which case no record exists? Also, can you think of any other places where the answers could potentially have been stored?

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related to an answer for: MissingAnswers_Pretest
closed as a duplicate of: MissingAnswers_Pretest (3)
by SoSci Survey (316k points)
> at the moment three out of four people say they have replied and I don't have their data

That sounds like a systematic issue, true.

Could it be that you have sent these people a personalized links, so that they edited the previous interview, each? Have you tried the link that you sent them, yourself?

If you have a URL and somewhat accurate times, we can check the logfiles and see when the questionnaire was filled out and which CASEs these are.

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