0 votes
in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s224311 (160 points)
closed by SoSci Survey

Dear reader,

in our survey we are redirecting participants from a pre-survey to an online experiment and then to a seperate (!) post-survey. The redirection works fine and all data gets saved individually. In order to match the data of pre-survey, experiment and post-survey we implemented indivudal User-IDs. Unfortunately, we are now struggling to add this user-ID in the data of the post-survey, so that I can actually match the data of pre- and post-survey.

Can you assist with extracting/displaying this variable in the post-survey and adding it to the data set?

Thank you in advance and best regards

closed with the note: fixed it

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (316k points)

Please give this manual a look:
Working with External Panel Providers

There is a lot of information how to transfer information through a redirect.

What you need to do is (a) put the case ID (e.g. %caseNumber%) in the redirect to the online experiment, make sure that the experiment takes and stores that code, and that it is, again, put in the redirect to the post-survey.

You can either use the "r" variable in the URL, or you can use a "device and transfered variables" question on the first page, to take an store the code.

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