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in SoSci Survey (English) by s227231 (120 points)
closed by SoSci Survey

Hello, I would like your help with the following.
For my bachelor thesis, I need to program a Survey with three different Groups.
Each group will be presented with a text describing a person in an everyday life situation. Within each group there must be randomizations made in the names (7 male, 7 female) of the person mentioned in the example and the order of the adjectives (3 for each group) that describe such person. The name of the person in the text must then be included in the questions (single choice).
In total there are 126 possible combinations of the survey. How can I best program this survey?
Thank you

closed with the note: Probably no more answers are required for this question.
by SoSci Survey (316k points)
Are the three groups an experimental factor as well, or are we talking about natural groups that are addressed separately?
by s227231 (120 points)
Thanks for your reply. I don't quite understand your question. It is a Between Subject design. There should be an equal distribution between the groups. Each goup is the expressions of one trait (G1:Low/G2:Medium/G3:High).

I though of creating three different Questionnaires (one for each group) and using the Random Selection for Questionnaires so that the participants will land in one of the three groups randomly.
Then in each questionnaire I wanted to use a random Generator that would show the participants one of 42 texts (with variation of names and order of adjectives) followed by the two single choice questions. I am having trouble showing two questions on the same page (see code below). Do I have to put the questions in two different pages? Am I on the right path? Thanks
$zahl = value('SH02');

if ($zahl == 10101) {
elseif ($zahl == 10102) {
by SoSci Survey (316k points)
> I though of creating three different Questionnaires (one for each group) and using the Random Selection for Questionnaires

Don't do that - it may cause groups of unequal size. And it's anything but elegant.

How many experimental groups do you have? 7 (or 49?) between subject levels and the adjective order within each group = 6 possible orders?

> In total there are 126 possible combinations of the survey.

I cannot exactly follow your calculation, but if you have 126 groups, than simply create a random generator with 126 lines.

Also read this for some more hints: https://www.soscisurvey.de/help/doku.php/en:create:randomization-mehrfaktoriell

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