0 votes
in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s180552 (150 points)

I copied the code from the sosci website to set a timer to show the "weiter" button. Before it always worked, now it shows the following error:

There is an error in the PHP code:
Questionnaire Error: Command or string (text) unfinished

A command, e.g. question() is missing a semicolon or
a string (text in quotation marks) is unclosed or
the string itself contains an apostrophe, e.g. html('Let's do it!'); – if the latter is the case, please type in a backslash () first.
Perhaps the opening and closing braces for the statement blocks are mismatched.
PHP code

001 namespace s2survey\questionnaire\environment;
004 <!--
005 SoSciTools.submitButtonsHide();
006 window.setTimeout(

This is the code I used:

<!-- SoSciTools.submitButtonsHide(); window.setTimeout( SoSciTools.submitButtonsDisplay, 20000 ) // -->

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (305k points)

Please make sure to distuingish between PHP code (which runs on the server) and JavaScript code (which runs in the browser). They are to be embedded differently:

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