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in SoSci Survey (English) by s142177 (160 points)

I'm trying to link CloudResearch (TurkPrime) with Sosci survey and wonder how I can "Capture a parameter representing a participant's assignment ID that CloudResearch passes to your study. This will add a unique participant ID to your data file."

This is their instruction on how to do it in Qualtrcis, I wonder what is the same function in Sosci survey?

I found something about MTurk here, but I think this is somewhat different than the setup in CloudResearch (TurkPrime): https://www.soscisurvey.de/help/doku.php/en:survey:mturk

1 Answer

+1 vote
by SoSci Survey (304k points)
selected by s142177
Best answer

The equivalent to "embedded data" in the Qualtrics manual is a question of type "device and transmitted variables" in SoSci Survey.

Have you already found this manual?
Working with External Panel Providers

by s142177 (160 points)
I did, but not sure if I adapted this correctly for CloudResearch (TurkPrime).
I created a "device and transmitted variable" and typed "aid" in POST/GET, in order to capture assignment ID. Before the last page I added a PHP code: redirect('https://app.cloudresearch.com/Router/End?id=%aid%');
by SoSci Survey (304k points)
To make this redirect work, you will have to place a replace() call before that. It may look like this:

replace('%aid%', 'DV01_RV1', 'response');

DV01_RV1 has to be replaced by the name of the variable that reads the ID on the first page.

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