0 votes
in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s216080 (110 points)

Fatal error: Uncaught s2survey\common\ClassUnavailableException: System class s2survey\account\TwoFactorAuth unavailable in /var/www/s2survey/html/shop/s2survey/Autoload.php:131 Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: s2survey\Autoload::loadClass() #1 /var/www/s2survey/html/shop/s2survey/account/CurrentUser.php(1954): spl_autoload_call() #2 /var/www/s2survey/html/shop/s2survey/account/CurrentUser.php(1770): s2survey\account\CurrentUser::loginWithUserData() #3 /var/www/s2survey/html/shop/s2accounting/distribution/Distribution.php(138): s2survey\account\CurrentUser::login() #4 /var/www/s2survey/html/shop/s2accounting/distribution/Distribution.php(194): s2accounting\distribution\Distribution::handleLogin() #5 /var/www/s2survey/html/shop/index.php(15): s2accounting\distribution\Distribution::handleRequest() #6 {main} thrown in /var/www/s2survey/html/shop/s2survey/Autoload.php on line 131

Diese meldung wird angezeigt wenn ich mich einloggen möchte, was soll ich tun?

Danke für die Hilfe

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (326k points)

Danke für den Hinweis - wir haben das Problem behoben, der Login im Shop ist ab sofort wieder möglich.

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