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in SoSci Survey (English) by s061322 (130 points)
closed by SoSci Survey


The questionnaire consists of pre- and posttest. to identify participants a Serial ID is assigned to each participant. However in the data/mailing list not every participant has an assigned ID. Where can I find the IDS or how can I identify participants otherwise for the posttest?

closed with the note: Solved via email.
by SoSci Survey (334k points)
How do you assign the ID to the respondents? Do they use an individual link to access the questionnaire? If yes, is this a mailing link, do you use the SERIAL option in the link or do you use another way?
by s061322 (130 points)
No we did not use individual links. Still all participants have an id in the dataset. But when downloading the mailing list, not every adress is matched with an id. For the analysis we need to match mail adresses and ids, therefore we need the missing ids in the mailing list.
by SoSci Survey (334k points)
> No we did not use individual links. Still all participants have an id in the dataset.

IDs do not appear from nowhere - participants can either use personalized URLs or they can enter an ID manually. If you simply open an URL with no information, no ID will be stored.
by s061322 (130 points)
We did not use either of that options, still i can see ids for the first participants...
by SoSci Survey (334k points)
Then maybe something was different for the first participants ... all I can say is that the server does not know any IDs unless you give it any information.
by s061322 (130 points)
There was a Serial ID generated for every participant (shown in the dataset), but the Excel sheet does not show us the combination of e-mail address and ID anymore (only for some participants). We need this combination to send the participants their ID to match the posttest to the pretest.
Is there any way you can provide us with the e-mail addresses and the respective IDs?
by SoSci Survey (334k points)
> There was a Serial ID generated for every participant

Ho did you give the participants the Serial IDs ?

> Is there any way you can provide us with the e-mail addresses and the respective IDs?

This should be possible if the privacy mode of the address entries in the address list was pseudonymous or lower. Send an email with all the details to info@soscisurvey.de, please.

However, please take care of the procedure with the links and eventually with the codes.

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