0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s155692 (120 points)
edited by SoSci Survey

Hi I am trying to present in a random order a pair of pages. All work fine except that at the end of the questionnaire for some reason some pages with the questions answered are presented again. Cannot find the reason why.
I am copying and pasting the code from the
random generator and the general structure of the questionnaire.

Random Generator
Ballot for the Random Drawing

1 = v1-E1, v3-E3, v2-E2, v4-E4, v6-E6, v5-E5, v12-E12, v11-E11, v7-E7, v9-E9, v8-E8, v10-E10
2 = v8-E8, v12-E12, v1-E1, v11-E11, v10-E10, v5-E5, v3-E3, v2-E2, v4-E4, v9-E9, v7-E7, v6-E6
3 = v8-E8, v4-E4, v3-E3, v10-E10, v12-E12, v1-E1, v11-E11, v5-E5, v7-E7, v2-E2, v6-E6, v9-E9
4 = v11-E11, v5-E5, v7-E7, v6-E6, v8-E8, v3-E3, v2-E2, v10-E10, v12-E12, v1-E1, v9-E9, v4-E4
5 = v12-E12, v7-E7, v5-E5, v1-E1, v11-E11, v8-E8, v3-E3, v9-E9, v4-E4, v2-E2, v10-E10, v6-E6

and the internal code from Compose Questionnaire

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!-- Page 1 -->
<page intID="1">
<question id="MT04" intID="2" />

<!-- Page 2 -->
<page intID="3">
<question id="MT05" intID="5" />

<!-- Page 3 -->
<page intID="4">
<question id="MT07" intID="6" />
<php intID="67"><![CDATA[
question('MT52');  //Draw slips in random order
$pages = valueList('MT52', NULL, 'label');  // Drawn slips
setPageOrder($pages,'Τέλος');  // Define pages as page sequence

<!-- Page 4 -->
<page ident="v1" intID="7">
<question id="MT06" intID="9" />

<!-- Page 5 -->
<page ident="E1" intID="69">
<question id="MT01" intID="8" />
<question id="MT02" intID="26" />
<question id="MT03" intID="51" />

<!-- Page 6 -->
<page ident="v2" intID="33">
<question id="MT20" intID="37" />

<!-- Page 7 -->
<page ident="E2" intID="70">
<question id="MT28" intID="11" />
<question id="MT36" intID="28" />
<question id="MT17" intID="54" />

<!-- Page 8 -->
<page ident="v3" intID="35">
<question id="MT21" intID="38" />

<!-- Page 9 -->
<page ident="E3" intID="71">
<question id="MT29" intID="12" />
<question id="MT37" intID="29" />
<question id="MT18" intID="56" />

<!-- Page 10 -->
<page ident="v4" intID="41">
<question id="MT22" intID="44" />

<!-- Page 11 -->
<page ident="E4" intID="32">
<question id="MT30" intID="13" />
<question id="MT38" intID="30" />
<question id="MT19" intID="58" />

<!-- Page 12 -->
<page ident="v5" intID="43">
<question id="MT23" intID="45" />

<!-- Page 13 -->
<page ident="E5" intID="34">
<question id="MT31" intID="15" />
<question id="MT39" intID="31" />
<question id="MT44" intID="59" />

<!-- Page 14 -->
<page ident="v6" intID="46">
<question id="MT24" intID="49" />

<!-- Page 15 -->
<page ident="E6" intID="36">
<question id="MT32" intID="16" />
<question id="MT40" intID="39" />
<question id="MT45" intID="60" />

<!-- Page 16 -->
<page ident="v7" intID="48">
<question id="MT25" intID="50" />

<!-- Page 17 -->
<page ident="E7" intID="72">
<question id="MT33" intID="17" />
<question id="MT41" intID="40" />
<question id="MT46" intID="61" />

<!-- Page 18 -->
<page ident="v8" intID="52">
<question id="MT26" intID="53" />

<!-- Page 19 -->
<page ident="E8" intID="73">
<question id="MT34" intID="18" />
<question id="MT42" intID="42" />
<question id="MT47" intID="62" />

<!-- Page 20 -->
<page ident="v9" intID="55">
<question id="MT27" intID="57" />

<!-- Page 21 -->
<page ident="E9" intID="74">
<question id="MT35" intID="20" />
<question id="MT43" intID="75" />
<question id="MT48" intID="63" />

<!-- Page 22 -->
<page ident="v10" intID="10">
<question id="MT08" intID="14" />

<!-- Page 23 -->
<page ident="E10" intID="47">
<question id="MT11" intID="22" />
<question id="MT14" intID="76" />
<question id="MT49" intID="64" />

<!-- Page 24 -->
<page ident="v11" intID="19">
<question id="MT09" intID="21" />

<!-- Page 25 -->
<page ident="E11" intID="77">
<question id="MT12" intID="23" />
<question id="MT15" intID="78" />
<question id="MT50" intID="65" />

<!-- Page 26 -->
<page ident="v12" intID="25">
<question id="MT10" intID="27" />

<!-- Page 27 -->
<page ident="E12" intID="79">
<question id="MT13" intID="24" />
<question id="MT16" intID="80" />
<question id="MT51" intID="66" />

<!-- Page 28 -->
<page intID="68">
<question id="MT53" intID="81" />


1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (331k points)

In this line ...


... you tell the questionnaire where to resume after the last page of the rotation. This is a page with the ID "Τέλος". However, I cannot find a page with that ID in your questionnaire. Actually a warning shall appear that the page cannot be found. However, it may be that SoSci Survey removes any non-ASCII-characters in the ID (which leaves an empty string), because page IDs must only contain ASCII chars, and then sees that no more page was specified (also it would be required).

by s155692 (120 points)
Thank you so very much. I actually realized that and corrected it before I received your response. Thanks for your excellent tool and the quick responding!!

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