0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s206663 (120 points)

Participants in our survey report about a message saying something like "don't push the back button" even though they haven't pushed a back-button (we don't even think they have this option). Some also report that the same page shows up again when they push "next page". We haven't had these problems while testing the survey. What could be wrong - and is there anything we could do now that the survey is active?

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (328k points)

The error message appears if the user the browser's (!) back button or use the reload page (F5) function of the browser.

We haven't had these problems while testing the survey.

Well, probably, you did not use the browser's back button ... give it a try :)

is there anything we could do now that the survey is active?

The warning is usually a good idea and therefore enabled by default. You should, however, be able to change the wording in "labels and text elements".

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