0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s210241 (110 points)

Hi, i hope someone can help me with this:

i am using three versions for a survey: english, spanish and german. However, since part of the focus of the study has to do with social identities, including national identities, i don't want to use a flag of a specific country in order to simbolize the hole community that speaks that language (for example the flag of Spain for all the spanish-speaking world). So i would rather take away the flags, but i don't now HTML so i don't know if i can just erase the placeholder for flag. I don't want to do anything if i don't understand the consequences at the programming level, so i prefered to ask here.

Thank you!!

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (320k points)

Please go to Language Versions -> Survey Language selection.

From the default HTML code

<div class="option">
	<a href="%link%">
	<div class="flag">%flag%</div>
	<div class="desc">%lang%</div>

... please remove the line with the %flag% placeholder:

<div class="option">
	<a href="%link%">
	<div class="desc">%lang%</div>
by s210241 (110 points)
Nice! That worked perfectly, thank you. That's what i thought but i wasn't feeling secure to do it. Now just one more question. Let's say i don't like the white screen with only the three words (the names of the languages) cause it looks so empty. And let's say i have three nice pictures of a group of flags of english speaking countries, spanish speaking countries and german speaking countries. It is still complicated as what has to do with the focus of the study, but only to understand the technicalities: how could i use my own images instead of the default flags? Thank you VERY MUCH!
by SoSci Survey (320k points)
You would upload the images to your project and use an <img>-tag (yeah, a little bit of HTML) to include them in the selection: https://www.soscisurvey.de/help/doku.php/de:create:media

No need to be afraid of HTML code - there's even a video ("Code an images") that explains the image HTML stuff: https://www.soscisurvey.de/de/screencast
by s210241 (110 points)
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

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