0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s154123 (255 points)

Dear SoSci Survey team,
In my survey, there are pictures that need to be rated by sliders. In the setting, Anchorage, I labelled the minimum as minimal and maximum as maximal, alignment: inside and width of the label: 600 pixels for all sliders. However, in some cases, the labels (minimal and maximal) are shown on top of the slider, whereas in others besides the slider. How can have the labels for all either on top of the sliders or next to them?
To clarify my point, I took pictures of different positions of labels to show you what the problem is:

Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards

by SoSci Survey (325k points)
Hard to says ... would you mind posting a pretest-URL directly (!) to that page?

On first glance, I would ask you to double-check the "alignment" setting...
by s154123 (255 points)
Thank you for your prompt response.
The pictures' name which start with W are different than others.
by s154123 (255 points)
The alignment is the same for all: inside
by SoSci Survey (325k points)
Please post a pretest link direktty (!) to the page with the sliders. I seem to be stuck on the page where I shall rank order the CVs.
by s154123 (255 points)
of course! but I am afraid you may have to pass several resumes to see the different ones as the pages are rotated randomly.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by SoSci Survey (325k points)

Danke für den Pretest-Link. Tatsächlich zeigte gleich die erste Frage B020 die Labels links und rechts des Schiebereglers.

Die Ursache ist höchstwahrscheinlich die Einstellung im Karteireiter "Anordnung" -> "Einzeln (beidseitig)". Könnten Sie das bitte kurz prüfen?

by s154123 (255 points)
Thank you. It is solved.

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