0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s154123 (255 points)
closed by SoSci Survey

Dear Socisurvey team,
I used the PHP function to shuffle the page order but it doesn't work.
$pages = array('B001', 'B002', 'B003', 'B004', 'B005', 'B006', 'B007', 'B008', 'B009', 'B010', 'B011', 'B012', 'B013', 'B014', 'B015', 'B016', 'B017', 'B018','B019', 'B020', 'A001', 'A002', 'A003', 'A004', 'A005', 'A006', 'A007', 'A008','A009','A010','A011','A012','A013','A014','A015','A016','A017','A018','A019','A020', 'A021', 'A022','A023', 'A024','A025','A026','A027','A028','A029','A030','A031','A032','A033','A034','A035','A036','A037','A038','A039','A040', 'A041','A042','A043','A044','A045','A046','A047','A048','A049','A050','A051','A052','A053','A054','A055','A056','A057','A058','A059','A060','A061','A062','A063','A064','A065','A066','A067','A068','A069','A070','A071','A072','A073','A074', 'W001','W002','W003','W004','W005','W006','W007','W008','W009','W010','W011', 'W012','W013','W014','W015','W016','W017','W018','W019','W020');
$pages[] = 'DD00';
Would you please help me to solve the issue?
Here is the pre-test page:

closed with the note: There has been no response to the question in the comment, so we assume that the issue is already solved.
by SoSci Survey (306k points)
If this question is still relevant, please post the debug information that is displayed for the page: https://www.soscisurvey.de/help/doku.php/en:create:debugging

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