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in SoSci Survey (English) by s197533 (120 points)
closed by SoSci Survey

For the IAT, I would like half of the participants to be shown the compatible combination of attitude object and evaluation dimension first and the other half the incompatible one first, so that a high degree of comparability is ensured.

In the help section I have already read that e.g. for block 3 the categories A and C are always displayed together on the left side and therefore for a random rotation one should make a copy of the IAT question and swap the contents of the categories. Then follows the randomization to randomly use one of the two variations in the questionnaire.

Now I don't know exactly what to do. Do I then now work with a random generator?And if so, how do I set it all up and what do I have to consider when compiling the questionnaire?

Thanks already!

closed as a duplicate of: Rotation der Reihenfolge beim IAT
by s109993 (11.5k points)
bitte keine Fragen zweimal posten (englisch oder deutsch, eins von beiden reicht)

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