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in SoSci Survey (English) by s002793 (415 points)

Hello - I just realized that there is a limit for number of participants in the projects. Unfortunately, I had set up a project that we are currently collecting participants for (PASCAL_largesurvey) for multiple different samples inside one project, and it looks like more people are participating than we expected, and we will definitely exceed this limit. How might I proceed here to upgrade the number? Thanks a lot!

Also as a separate question - is it 5000 complete interviews, or 5000 started? Or which is the metric?

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (334k points)

more people are participating than we expected

That is good, congratulations :)

and we will definitely exceed this limit

That is something we will be able to solve.

is it 5000 complete interviews, or 5000 started?

It is a soft limit, i.e., we won't bother you if it's 5.500 or 6.000 respondents, and in case of doubt, we will look at the completed interviews (unless someone abuses that to circumvent the limit).

How many (relevant) responses do you expect?

by s002793 (415 points)
Hello - oh, that's good, I was scared it would just cut off data collection at 5000. Thanks for the quick response!

It should definitely not be more than 6000, and I would hardly expect to go beyond 5500.
by SoSci Survey (334k points)
That's fine ... no need to add complexity :)

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