0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s164983 (130 points)
edited by s164983

I have used the random generator in my study. The distribution of the variables was 146/145 for variable 1 respectively variable 2, which means that it worked. After wanting to reactivate the study after 2-3 months, the random generator only produces one variable. I have seen this when running the survey multiple times in debug-mode and also running the page where the random generator is used in debug-mode. What could be the problem here?

Edit: When exporting the project, creating a new one and importing it, the random generator works. However, I can't figure out the problem.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by SoSci Survey (325k points)
selected by s164983
Best answer

Please open the original random geneator and check the counts rights of the contents.

Assume that you have 4 elements in the random generator, and 3 of them have been drawn 3 times, and one only 2 times:


The third one will be drawn unless we get another count for it. Now let's assume that your survey administration period (set in te project settings) has already startet. To avoid biassing the data collection, test runs from compose questionniare will not be counted. So, you will draw the same element each time in preview.

The same is true, if you only count in finished interviews. The third one will be drawn until one of these interviews is finished.

by s164983 (130 points)
Thank you very much for the explanation!

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