0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s172445 (200 points)

I have created an info page (/?info) for my questionnaire, which is linked to on the first page of the questionnaire. However, I noticed some pretest participants were confused when I chose to have the link to the info page open in a new tab.

In theory it'd be easy to simply have the link open in the same tab as the questionnaire, however that would require a back button or link back to the specific questionnaire linked to the participant's case number.

In short, I'd like the info page to be able to generate a unique link for the participant to return to their own questionnaire, just like how it's done when the "pause questionnaire" (delay interview) option is used. Is this possible? And if so, how?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by SoSci Survey (306k points)
selected by s172445
Best answer

The information page is intended as a page to be displayed independently from the questionnaire. This can be more general information preceeding a study, for example.

If you would like to display additional information within the interview, I recommend

  • the textlink() button instead, which can open a non-fullsize window, or
  • the buttonToPage() function that can display a page with information (that is otherwise skipped) or
  • some JavaScript to display additional information: Click to Show Information

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