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in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s175367 (140 points)


I would like to add a video in my survey that shows a small section of an esports turnament.

I don't have the written consent of twitch, however I made sure that the players or any people are NOT visible in the video.

The only thing that is visible is the game itself (League of Legends) and I myself have added logos in different positions, which is the focus on my study.

Am I allowed to use this video in my survey?

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (334k points)

I don't have the written consent of twitch

You would probably not need a permission from Twitch, but from the copyright holder.

If you do not violate personal rights, you might still violate copyright, if you uploaded the video on the Internet. Modifying the video may also be another violation of copyright. Please clear the copyright issue with your university. it may or not be a fair use, but that is something that is not up to us to decide.

by s175367 (140 points)
My professor told me that I can use the video if there are not people shown on it.

Which option should I pick when uploading the video therefore then?

I have created the file myself and have not used any licensed content (e.g. music). I have the written consent of all recognizable people in the image to publish this file on the internet. ?
by SoSci Survey (334k points)
> My professor told me that I can use the video if there are not people shown on it.

If you are sure that your professor has the neccessary background regarding copyright law, then you should be fine. However, please consider that violating copyright may cause expensive mail from lawyers and shutting down the survey just during data collection. Therefore, please make sure that the information is correct.

> I have created the file myself and have not used any licensed content

Please choose the one that fits the situation best. The selection is actually to make users think about copyright - because lots of people are not aware that uploading content on SoSci Survey is "putting this content on the Internet".

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